After you click Attempt quiz now, you will be on the Quiz page. To the left, you will see the Quiz Navigation block which will allow you to go directly to any question or finish your attempt.
To the left of each question, you will see a small block with information about the question including its number, the tries you have remaining for the current attempt, the points, and an option to flag the question. Click the flag icon to mark any question you think you’ll want to return to.
Each question on the quiz will give you directions specific to the question type. You may need to select only one answer, select one or more answers, select an answer or answers from a drop-down menu, or type in a short answer.
As you answer each question, you have the option to check your answer right away. If you do opt to check, you will not be able to change your answer if you come back before your final submission. If you do want to check, simply click the Check button. The correct answer and some feedback will appear.
When you are finished answering the questions and checking any answers you want to, click Finish attempt...
You will see a summary of your attempt and can decide what you want to do next.