Submit and finish a quiz

After you select Finish attempt when taking a quiz, the Summary of attempt page will appear.


If you decided to click the Check button on any of the questions to see the answer and feedback, the Status column for that question will show whether or not you got the question correct. You cannot change your answer during this attempt.

For any questions you did not check, you will see that you still have 1 try remaining. You can still change these answers.

To return to the quiz and change any answers that are still open, click Return to attempt.


You can now change the answers to any questions you haven’t checked yet and check any answers you didn’t check before. Remember, once you click the Check button and get the feedback, you will not be able to change your answer.


Once you are ready to complete the quiz, click Finish attempt....


You will now be back on the Summary of attempt page. Click Return to attempt again to keep working on the quiz. Or, you can click Submit all and finish if you are ready to turn in this attempt or have already checked all of your answers.


When you click Submit all and finish, a Confirmation popup will appear. Click Submit all and finish if you’re ready.


You will be taken back to the quiz page. The facts for the attempt will be at the top.


Each question will now have the correct answer and feedback below it. When you're done reviewing the quiz, click Finish review at the bottom of the page.


You will be back on the Summary page, but it will now show a summary of previous attempts rather than a summary of the current attempt. You have several choices for what to do next. If you want to review the quiz some more, click Review on the far right of the Summary. If you want to start a new attempt, click the Re-attempt quiz button. If you are finished with the quiz and want to do something else in the course, click the Back to course button.


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