Manage Edified catalogs

All of the catalogs on the Edified site can be managed by an admin user. You have the ability to hide a catalog in its entirety or hide individual courses within a catalog. By default, all of the catalogs and courses will be visible on your tenant site as well as your subtenant sites. You may want to hide catalogs that pertain to products that are not available at your district or school.

Manage Edified catalogs

On the Manage Edified catalogs page, you can hide and show catalogs and manage the courses within a catalog.

To navigate to the page, click on Edified Catalogs in the top menu.


At the top of the Edified catalogs page, click on the Manage Edified catalogs button in the top right corner of the page.


Hide catalogs 

Click on the Hide icon to hide the catalog.



That catalog will now be under the Hidden Catalogs heading. This catalog will be hidden on any subtenant sites as well. 



If you want to unhide a catalog, simply click on the hide icon again.

Hide a catalog on just a subtenant site

As a tenant admin, you can navigate to a subtenant site to manage catalogs, or an admin on that subtenant site can do it.

On the subtenant site, follow the same steps as above. The only difference is that hiding a catalog on a subtenant site will not affect the tenant site or other subtenant sites.

Subtenant site:



Tenant site is not affected:




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